The 7 biggest app annoyances: Here’s what drives us up a wall with mobile apps

Man looking angrily at smartphone

Let’s make one thing clear: we love mobile apps. They make our lives easier and our iPhones and Android devices more fun to use. We would even go so far as to say that some applications are absolutely essential to our daily lives. And yet, that doesn’t mean we don’t also get irritated by some … Read more

Scammers are tricking Android users into installing a fake antivirus app that’s actually malware: How to stay safe

Android malware botnet attack

a new one Android malware the campaign is using Social engineering and various other tricks to trick unsuspecting users into installing malware capable of draining their bank accounts. As reported BleepingComputerthis particular campaign only affects users of the best android phones in Finland at the moment. However, it remains a great example of the types … Read more